Our Story

The Story begins with a trip to Capistrano Beach to pick up my first Surf Board

I traveled all over Southern California in the early 2011 time period.  I was on Venice Beach thinking, man I need to learn how to Surf, the Waves are much bigger here on the West Coast.  So the following year, may have been 2013, I started to search around for a surfboard, on all places E-Bay. I found a long board for a $100 dollars.  I thought to my self, this is a steal and to be honest it was...  A Becker 10ft long board built for SoCal Waves and probably a last of its kind.  This little purchase took me on a journey to Capistrano Beach and to San Clemente.  How I learned about The Trestles is still a mystery because the truth be known I found them the year I found my first Surf Board.  I had some time while a Surf Shop on El Camino Real was packing my board. So I decided to go exploring.  I was watching a lot of the locals and visited the pier, then T-street.  But something kept pushing me south. I ended up at a local diner where I parked my rental car and went into the diner and had a lunch.  When I came out this is the great mystery I was watching across the parking lot as these guys with surfboards were walking down to an unknown location. I decided  to follow them and man was it an interesting path because I went in where the side walk is painted with the word Roaster... Through a split in a fence.  I thought to my self this is gotta be a surreal life experience either that or someone slipped something in my drink.  Either way I started following behind these two surfers kind of learning as I went what was ahead of me.  I must have walked after crawling through the opening in the fence and under a bridge like a mile or so until I arrived on what looked like a normal beach.  But there wasn't very many people there.  I started watching some of the surfers and was amazed at how good they were.  So after some time  I asked some people what the area was called they said Upper Trestles.  From that day forward every time I would take a train to San Diego or Oceanside I would take pictures of the area.  Thinking to myself this would be a cool place to do some photography.  Eventually I did.  I remember talking to some of the locals actually met one of the executives for Lost Surfboards on the beach walking up to T-Street he was fi catching some of the best photography I have taken in a long time.  That is how Trestles' Magazine began.

wave, surfer, surfing-5980750.jpg